Saturday, November 14, 2009

Time to get busy and update!

Just so that you know if you ever drop in- I've got lots of copy/pasting to do to catch up my blog. LOTS! So much as happend over the course of the past few months and I've got a lot written I just need to get it on here!

My soul has been telling me to write stuff down, memories, pictures, drawing. I just feel I have got to get this story out of ME and onto paper. I honestly don't know where to start. Milestones come and I have the greatest of intentions...only to realize the time has come and I'm behind again. I use to be sooooo organized. where has that part of my brain gone? teehee

So: to catch up in brief and to upload,
October/November....gee...SO many birthdays! So many activities! My trip to SanDiego and driving cross country with Bret. (those notes are long!) and pictures are many!! Bret arriving home to see family and friends before deploying yet again to somewhere in Afghanistan. My NOT going to the airport this trip to see him off. There were so many fun days we had. My unfortunate ER event with my back, again. Preparing for the "fill the mailbag" event for Bret for his 22nd b'day celebration overseas. My sister and George both turned 50. I dont think I 've even come to terms with that yet... :p that just isn't imaginable!
Facebook remark that I made that taught me a lesson...and I'd do it again, yet differently.
This overwhelming urge to talk to people about Jesus. I brought it up with Meleah on the phone yesterday. It's in me and as much as I want it to come out and do let it.....I'm so scared. Not prepared mostly.
Started the GriefStudy group at church and I think this is going to help me deal with more than even I know at this moment. God has always planned ahead with me and I'm trying to keep an open heart and mind. He didnt promise us an easy journey but He did indeed promise a SAFE ARRIVAL!
Okay, well....
tears are falling like always when I get on this blog. What is it? What am I trying to say? Who would listen? Who would really?? Do I have a gift of expressing myself or am I just hoping it will leap forth from these keystrokes?? hummmmm
oh...and Lord....i'm going on single now for 3 years. Can we talk about this? I really want, well, you know my heart and what I long for. It's always been known that God and I handle everything with the man that thinks he can handle I'm just kidding. "♫ ... so find yourself somebody to loveeeee... ♫" who sang that Perry Como or Frank Sinatra?
Much love to you if you are reading this.
know that I love you. know that if you've been directed to hit my one little "blog" url than you are meant to be here. (poor thang)
Jesus cared enough to hold his hands out and die for you and me. Let me open my arms wide enough to say and ask..."What can I do for you?"
"What can I pray for you?" Let me be your friend and your sister in Christ.
Muuacccchhh, bri


Proud Christian

Proud Christian
Erica made this for me!

Free Admission to Heaven

Free Admission to Heaven
made by Bri

MeMe loves her "buggs"

MeMe loves her "buggs"
made by me


made by Bri

Be Still....

Be Still....
my first project


all i did was add the text to these great wings!

He Loves Me!

He Loves Me!
my first siggy for my group at cafemom